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Children Praying


Global Prophetic Intercessory Movement was started in 2021 out of a strong burden to see darkness end in our cities, states and nations and to see God’s kingdom come on earth like Jesus prayed in the Lord’s Prayer.

It’s a strategic prayer movement that cuts across denominations, race, culture. Here intercessors lift their voices together all over the globe to see the move of God restored to the land, souls saved, territories taken back for the kingdom.



Thou art my battle axe and weapons of war: for with thee will I break in pieces the nations, and with thee will I destroy kingdoms...Jeremiah 51:20

Our Mission
Image by Gaël Gaborel - OrbisTerrae

Our Mission

To see our cities, states, nations come to the Lord and be transformed. Acts 9:35

Image by Gaël Gaborel - OrbisTerrae

Our Vision

To see intercessors rise daily all over the world crying for the deliverance of the people. To see God’s kingdom established here on earth. To end the reign of darkness and usher in the light of God into the society. To see territories taken back for the kingdom . To see the kingdom lifestyle in every territory

We Need Your Support Today!

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